Heartfelt Help Foundation is funded entirely by donations
HHF and the adult and pediatric heart transplant recipients in Northern California who we support greatly appreciate any and every donation! Please note that our system allows automated recurring donations which are especially helpful because patients in distress come to us all throughout the year. For any large contribution, we’d love to speak with you, thank you personally, and tell you even more about who we benefit, what we do, and how we do it.
Everyone at HHF volunteers and we carefully control our few and small expenses. We are fully inclusive and enthusiastically serve a broadly diverse population where financial and medical needs collide. Our only qualifiers are lack of insurance coverage for recovery housing, and need for financial help to pay for it, consistent with the spirit of donations made to us, and available funds, of course. We charge no fee to anyone for anything. We directly support our beneficiaries without the inefficiencies of any middlemen. We only pay directly to lodging businesses and only after negotiating price discounts.
In addition to donating, please follow, like, and share our social media via the links below and please subscribe to our newsletter by emailing us or we’ll subscribe you automatically from your donation registration.
Donations will be used only to support the Mission of HHF.
Donations are deductible to the fullest extent of the law when nothing of value is received in return.
Tax ID #85-0941720