The Lopp Family
“. . . Thank you for giving us a place to be with Bailey. . . Thank you for the donations that made this possible.”
See and hear their story and deep appreciation: The Lopp Family

The Washington Family
“We are the Washingtons. Dad is Denzel, mom is Sarah, daughter Alina who is 5, and son Adonis who is 2 years old. We are a full family of 4 expecting a plus 1 in October 2024. Life is such a meaningful word these days after such a turmoil of experiences through the last year. On April 4, 2024, our life changed forever. Hit with unexpected news about our wonderful and spontaneous daughter Alina. We had noticed she was not herself as of late. Sadly, news came about that our sweet girl had been diagnosed with a heart disease called Restrictive Cardiomyopathy and she would have to have a heart transplant. To add on she would not be able to go home because she would need to be monitored close at the hospital and have to be put on Ventricular Assist Devices (BIVAD). We had no knowledge of the actions that were going to take place. Presenting us with options that sounded like a foreign language. Hearing this news and never having to deal with this kind of stuff through our family was really a wakeup call seeing how as we were not prepared for this at all. Not only mentally but realizing how much a toll financially this takes on a family that has nothing to reach or grab on for this kind of support. We understand people have their own lives as well and even though some people want to give the world to help you, they just aren’t able and it’s nothing that should ever make anyone feel they do not care about your situation just because they can’t help financially. We turned to God and just prayed He will lift this burden from us while our daughter was going through this tragedy that we had no understanding of. In this city Palo Alto, we were sent to Stanford a great hospital and couldn’t have asked to be at a better place. With that being said, it is truly so expensive to stay and even eat in this town. I cannot stress enough how expensive it is for people who travel so far to come get help trying to save their own or their loved one’s life, then to not really be able to eat or even house yourself close to the hospital is an addition to the stress and worry you have just being at a hospital. They offer a housing near no charge which is called the Ronald McDonald but sometimes there is not availability for some people who really need it. If you can’t get in there then you’re stuck paying $150-$300 a night a hotel or even more for an Airbnb and not to mention the medical cost after your visit that will stick with you. It’s just a stressful thing to constantly think about. As a father trying my best from going to laughing and seeing the world in a simple way to life turned into not being able to afford to care for my family or even house them is a degrading feeling I can only imagine single parents. With my fiancé being pregnant at the moment it was not ideal. Any parent can imagine the place our minds were at. Over the course of the months Stanford offered us just 1 month of rental assistance and $50 a week to spend at their own cafe which was also expensive, and we could not save the $50 it was given into vouchers. Was definitely a helpful gesture from them to offer us none the less, we have to use gas to go back and forth almost 2 and a half hours away to see our son, tried to tend to our jobs which was of equal distance. Everything was hitting fast, and bills were backing up. Rent, car payment, cell phone, credit cards, diapers and groceries, just the everyday life essentials. Nothing ever seemed enough. Seemed like everyday it would just pile and pile. Eventually we had to decide to let our apartment go which we couldn’t afford anymore and led us to be now homeless looking for a home as of now. With our faith in the Lord nothing was ever too much for us to keep a smile on our face in front of our daughter. As a family and team we made sure she was always in the best mood even though with her situation it could be hard to do so. Little did we know there are foundations and people who band together to help people get through these times that have the same background as we do. After living in the hospital almost 7 months we were pointed in a direction of a foundation called Heartfelt Help Foundation. We knew there were other foundations that help and we tried to reach out but it would always take weeks and months to hear back. After one phone call and an online application it seemed our now dear friend Denise had already constructed our stay at a hotel where we would be able to call a part time home for the mean time. The amount of weight lifted off our shoulders even for a small period of time was a phenomenal feeling that we will forever be grateful for. We cannot thank the foundation enough. We hope to help people who go through these times that have no financial support for housing near Stanford. Knowing how hard it is from a personal experience. They are a great foundation and not only us as parents but our children are thankful. We haven’t really stayed at hotels with them so it’s like a vacation for them. We would like to personally thank Denise for her help and always being available to assist us when needed. Thank you to the foundation as a whole. From the Washington family, we are forever thankful and you guys made us feel like you are truly and extension of family. Thank you.”

The Williams Family
Precious little Armaneigh was diagnosed at 9 months old with cardiomyopathy and spent the next 341 days in the hospital, ultimately receiving a new heart in mid-2023. Soon after discharge to medically-required temporary recovery lodging, her mother Tianna and their hospital social worker found that the location where the hospital referred them was inappropriate for Armaneigh’s fragile condition. Lacking another location to place them and financial resources to subsidize them elsewhere, the social worker referred them to Heartfelt Help Foundation who found appropriate local lodging, negotiated a discounted rate, and paid for their recovery period which stretched more than two months until doctors determined Armaneigh was stable enough to return home. The Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health featured Tianna and Armaneigh in its November 2023 monthly magazine and recorded a video about their journey. From the hotel suite, Tianna also recorded a YouTube video thanking the contributors to Heartfelt Help Foundation who made their lodging possible (https://www.youtube.com/@heartfelthelpfoundation/videos).
“I am so grateful that we get to be part of the Heartfelt Help Foundation. This is the best opportunity that we could have been given. We are in local housing about 15 minutes from the hospital. I don’t have to stress about getting her to and from hospital appointments, therapy appointments. It’s just great, so great. And I am forever grateful to Heartfelt Help Foundation for everything you guys are doing for me and my daughter. We love you Heartfelt Help Foundation! Thank you so much!”

The Bennett Family
We are so incredibly grateful for the Heartfelt Help Foundation! When our 14-year-old son Bodie suddenly needed a heart transplant, we found ourselves unexpectedly uprooted from our home in San Diego and living up in the Bay area. When Bodie was discharged from the hospital a month after receiving his new heart, it was amazing to know we had a safe space for him to recover. To have a place to stay free from germs and crowds, where he could have his own space to rest and heal, and where we could cook meals without worrying about exposing him to unnecessary germs, gave us such peace of mind. His recovery since then has been nothing short of miraculous, and I attribute that so much to being in a quiet and peaceful environment to heal. For a 14-year-old, having an environment that replicated home was key, and thanks to HHF, we were able to do that for him! He was able to help cook meals and take long walks every day. When my husband and daughter came to visit, we had enough space for them to stay as well! We can never thank the Heartfelt Help Foundation enough for their assistance during such a stressful time! We will always be fans of HHF!

The Dow Family
What would someone do at the height of stress over a serious medical condition?
Wilbert had a bad heart and was very sick. We asked GOD for help. Our prayers were heard. For HE sent his angels on “persona” to help us. Medical staff, doctors, surgeons from Kaiser and Stanford Hospitals who are all specialized in cardiology got involved to help Wilbert’s heart condition.
He now has a new and healthy heart!️ We thank everyone. These Angels God sent for this miraculous healing, not just medical staff but also people who were with us at this time of healing. We thank Ms. Denise Redeker and The Heartfelt Help Foundation for being there not just for moral but also financial support, who sponsored our place to stay near the hospital for follow-up appointments and rehabilitation after heart transplant. Denise became a part of the family, whom we can reach for any questions and around for us. Thank You!!!
The Heartfelt Help Foundation’s heartfelt dedication and help to each and everyone in need makes a difference in everyone’s life they touched, like ours. More power to Ms. Denise and The Heartfelt Help Foundation!

The Leano Family
Our dad’s social worker recommended we connect with Denise and the Heartfelt Help Foundation for possible assistance with post-surgery costs. To our amazement, the Heartfelt Help Foundation has not only provided financial relief, but they provided emotional support as well. Denise has provided our family comfort and reassurance during one of the most difficult times of our lives. Although words cannot express our gratitude, we hope the Heartfelt Help Foundation knows we appreciate their generous and genuine support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The Martinez Family
Facing the uncertainty of medical outcomes can be incredibly daunting. As the days spent waiting in the hospital stretch on, concerns about accommodation and financial matters can add to the stress. It’s important to stay strong for a loved one who is receiving a second chance at life with a new heart and liver. During this challenging time, I found it helpful to remember that there is hope ahead.
One bright spot in our journey was Denise from the Hartfelt Help Foundation. Her support was invaluable, alleviating some of the burdens we faced by helping us find a place to stay. Moreover, Denise took the time to visit us in the hospital, which meant a great deal to our family. We are truly grateful for everything she and the foundation have done for us. Thank you, Denise, for making a positive difference in our lives.
The S&H Family
Teenage HH has medical conditions so complicated that she and her mother had to move permanently across the country to Northern California so that a San Francisco Bay Area hospital could evaluate and eventually treat her. She has insurance for post-transplant temporary recovery lodging near the hospital but until her mother found Heartfelt Help Foundation, they had no one to help with finding a new home. HHF helped them find a local apartment and settle in for their new life. This is their story:
“When you think of a 14-year-old teenage girl, you’d generally think of their life as being simple, you’d think of them being a big kid still. Hanging out with friends, shopping, fun events, doing whatever they like- within reason. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the reality. Meet HH! She is a 14-year-old from [an east coast state], who loves hanging out with her friends, going new places, listening to music and playing games! HH was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome prenatally. To attempt to prolong the life of her own heart, she has had multiple interventions ranging from heart caths and treatments to 3 open her surgeries. This eventually left her having heart failure and needing a heart transplant, plus with all things considered, potentially a liver transplant also. HH’s transplant case was much more complex than the majority due to having developed an excessive amount of antibodies. After multiple stints of treatment to try to eliminate the antibodies; and hopefully the mother cells that kept mass producing more antibodies, HH’s [home] hospital was out of options, thus spawning transplant evaluations in other places. Many hospitals didn’t feel comfortable enough with her case to even consider her a potential candidate for their programs. Vanderbilt of Tennessee was the first to accept her for an evaluation but after a 3-day trip for lab work and a meet and greet, she was denied there also due to her elevated amount of antibodies. HH’s cardiologist reached out to contacts at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital – Stanford, and they felt optimistic enough to want to do an evaluation in person. Soon HH was on a plane to California. After thorough exams and trials of treatment options on her blood that had been drawn, Stanford was reassured the antibody treatment programs they had to offer would be beneficial and potentially give her a bigger pool to pull donor organs from as she wouldn’t be so sensitized from the antibody perspective! Then came the next hurdle, making the permanent move to California. Unfortunately, we were at a disadvantage, as the hospital couldn’t give us any resources to look into for housing since we weren’t current residents and HH wasn’t technically an established patient. Finding affordable housing from the other side of the US seemed nearly impossible with all the scams, and everyone thinking we were trying to scam since our area code was different. Luckily, after weeks of calls, emails and online searching, I was put in contact with Denise of the Heartfelt Help Foundation! The Heartfelt Help Foundation has gone above and beyond to help make everything even remotely possible for us! Because of Denise being persistent in wanting to help us find affordable housing, relatively close to where we needed to relocate to- we are lucky to have a wonderful landlord who has been nothing less than supportive, understanding and nothing short of a blessing! We have been able to move to California and focus on HH’s health instead of scrambling to put our new home together, as Denise, our new landlord Keith, and volunteers had filled the home with gently used furniture and all the basic essentials from cleaning supplies, to towels and food to start out with! Fast forward to transplant day, which came MUCH sooner than anticipated (originally estimated 2-3 years) and Heartfelt Help has helped us navigate everything that has come our way. Heartfelt Help has been the MOST knowledgeable resource I feel we could have possibly had. I have had superior help in dealing with our insurance company, making sure it is possible for HH to recover in a clean, safe environment since being discharged from the hospital. I have been informed on “what’s next” outside of HH’s own personal recovery journey. Without Denise and The Heartfelt Help Foundation, life in recent months would be- and would have been, easily, chaotic and much more stressful to our family, in an already extremely trying time. We are very grateful for everything, big and small. From simple things such as Denise being available to vent to if needed, to connecting us with our landlord for housing, to helping set up our home prior to arrival, down to making sure we had a safe, clean place to discharge from the hospital to, in the immediate vicinity of the hospital, as the upcoming 7 week recovery time is going to be full of appointments. I hope one day we are able to pay all that has been done to help make my daughter’s life-saving heart transplant, forward!”